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On September, 9, 2013 Bob debated Muslim apologist Shadid Lewis. The title was, “Can We Trust The New Testament?”
Ijaz Ahmad reviewed the debate and announced over the Internet that Bob clearly lost. Bob reads Ahmad’s review over the air, responding point by point, showing how Ahmad distorted his words in some cases, and also made false statements that cannot be backed up by any objective viewing of the debate on video.
Bob also reads some comments from people who came away from the debate with a completely different verdict than what Ahmad describes.
SPECIAL COMMENT: Emmy and Tony award winning actor, Michael Moriarty, friends with Bob since his interview on this radio show several months ago, sends his own comment about the debate.
The debate itself is linked to this same Website on the very front page under “Events With Bob.” There is also a permanent audio posting in the “Debates” section under the date 9-9-13.
Bob’s debate debriefing takes up the majority of this particular show:
(See a special postscript from Bob on this subject at the bottom of the text.)
Listener comment:
“Bob Siegel’s on air rebuttal to Ijaz Ahmad’s was quite effective; calling him out on his misinformation as well as a lack of understanding of key issues. Shadid and Ahmad, it is clear to me that neither of you understand what textual criticism is, and its purpose as a discipline. If you did, then you would have immediately understood Bob’s comment about scribal errors. You lost credibility with me here. You two need to study more carefully the salient issues concerning historiography.”
Dave Spiegel, Christian Apologist
Then during the final portion of the program:
An interview with Shaun Piccinino, writer, director, and star of the award winning film, The Lackey.
On Wednesday, several days after my radio show broadcast and podcast, a Christian brother who listened to the program sent me a heads up by E Mail. Ahmad was not at the debate but in Trinidad at the time. He watched it on line, whether live or by video, is not clear. Although this guy has written much about me, I have neither the time, desire, nor need to read it all. I was responding to one piece of his rhetoric, a review of the debate, one of several, but I only read one on the air. He makes no mention in that particular article about not being present and certainly comes across as though he was personally in the room without stating such a claim in so many words. With Ahmad’s track record for making mountains out of mole hills, he will undoubtedly seize this opportunity to show my “inaccuracy” since I assumed he was actually there in the room. In fact, his lack of presence at the debate makes no difference to any crucial point I made with the possible exception of my response to his complaint that I cited no scholars defending the Bible.
I mentioned that I had a list of Bible scholars with me but that the list was so long I would have taken up valuable rebuttal time to read from it. I invited the audience members to come look at the list after the debate if they so desired and mentioned that Ahmad never approached me to ask for the list. The same point applies, even if this critic was in Trinidad. He heard what I said about that list when he watched the debate (if he was truly paying attention) and never chose to E Mail me asking for the list if this was something that honestly concerned him. As a matter-of-fact, Ahmad never sent me anything. Although he talks to me by name in his review, that review was posted to his Website and never sent to me.
Even if Ahmad misses the deadline and fails to debate me on the last Sunday of September, he is welcome to debate me some other time over the air, where many can benefit from his “facts” his “wisdom” and his “insight.” Then again, he might just be exposed as the inaccurate blowhard that he is, even though many have exposed him already.
POSTSCRIPT: Several weeks after the posting and broadcast of this show, Mr. Ijaz did contact me to accept my debate offer. We debated on a radio show which is linked below:
Which is More Reliable? The New Testament or the Koran?
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