Originally published by San Diego Rostra on August 28, 2012
What was accomplished by cancelling the first day of the Republican Convention due to a possible hurricane? I’ll tell you exactly what was accomplished: A shorter convention! That’s all! And now, even as the storm called Isaac moves away from Tampa and closer to New Orleans and Mississippi, it is reported that the convention may possibly be cut later on this week depending on the weather. At the moment, Tuesday night’s plans move full steam ahead but the steam and momentum of Isaac is expected to be at its worse on Wednesday and Thursday, so who knows? The convention may be trimmed even more.
What does a storm that has moved away from Tampa have to do with a convention in Tampa? Evidently Republican leaders are afraid of looking uncompassionate. After all, they might be compared to President Obama who announced that he had declared New Orleans a disaster area. Then he headed for Iowa to do more campaigning. The main stream media did not bat an eyebrow, but their eyes will be held wide open should Republicans dare to show the kind of insensitivity that holds conventions while storms rage across the Gulf.
What’s next? Should the storm dissipate, will Republicans consider canceling their convention anyway? After all, Global Warming still goes on. Who can give speeches and attend rallies while our planet melts? Well, Democrats can since Republicans caused Global Warming and they didn’t!
Spoiler alert: Obama and the main stream media are going to call Republicans insensitive and uncompassionate no matter what they do! Just have the stupid convention anyway. One can care about the coastal landscape of our country and the political landscape at the same time. Hurricanes are not the only authors of destruction. Another four years of this administration might also do the trick. And you can bet your life savings in Vegas that the Democratic Convention will be held even if Martians land on our planet. In fact, Obama will probably introduce them and encourage them to vote without having to show I.D.
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