Originally published by Communities At Washington Times
SAN DIEGO, June 15, 2012 — President Obama made history today as the fastest lawmaker in the west. The trick is to ignore our Constitution’s rules on law making.
As CNN news puts it, “In an election-year policy change, the Obama administration said Friday it will stop deporting young illegal immigrants who entered the United States as children if they meet certain requirements … In a Rose Garden address Friday afternoon, President Barack Obama said the changes caused by his executive order will make immigration policy ‘more fair, more efficient and more just.’
“‘This is not amnesty. This is not immunity. This is not a path to citizenship. It’s not a permanent fix,’ Obama said to take on conservative criticism of the step. ‘This is a temporary stopgap measure.’”
Thank God Obama explained that this wasn’t amnesty. People caught living in the country illegally will not be prosecuted if they fall within a certain range of ages. But no, that’s not amnesty. How do we know it’s not amnesty? Obama says so, that’s how!
This is about as reassuring as the time he said he was not a believer in big government. It wasn’t enough to learn that Obama the candidate had kicked off his political career in the living room of a self confessed, unashamed terrorist. And it wasn’t enough that he sat under the racist teachings of a raving race baiter for 20 years. Neither did it matter when he came within half a breath of identifying himself as a socialist by freely sharing his plans to “spread the wealth around.” The man still got elected.
After his election, dedicated groupies remained faithful when Obama appointed a proud communist as one of his czars. They continued following the pied piper who sought talks with Iranian President Ahama Holocaust Denier, all the while declaring the Jewish city of Jerusalem as “occupied territory” that should be split with the Palestinian people whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel.
Dedicated followers continue to defend him in the wake of an attorney general who has made a mockery of our Justice Department, a series of national security leaks whose only value seems to be that of making our weakling president look like Rambo, and “affordable health care for all” that has driven up the premiums of those who already have health insurance and frightened small businesses into not hiring people in order to avoid a legal obligation to provide coverage for all employees.
No, that collection of irresponsible governing decisions was not enough. Now President Obama decides to update his resume by taking the law into his own hands.
Well-intentioned people will debate the constitutionality of this decision, but it should be noted that the biggest constitutional critic of Obama 2012 is Obama 2011!
“I just have to continue to say this notion that somehow I can just change the laws unilaterally is just not true. We are doing everything we can administratively. But the fact of the matter is there are laws on the books that I have to enforce. And I think there’s been a great disservice done to the cause of getting the DREAM Act passed and getting comprehensive immigration passed by perpetrating the notion that somehow, by myself, I can go and do these things. It’s just not true” (Open For Discussion Round Table, September 28, 2011).
Evidently Obama’s ever evolving standards are not limited to his view of same-sex marriage. The man has learned and grown on many issues. In that vein, evolved Obama 6.0 decides that he can change the laws unilaterally. That’s not entirely a dictatorship. Obama and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano have invited Congress to go along with them by passing the Dream Act. Of course Napolitano already defended Obama by saying these new immigration standards were “well within the framework of existing laws,” so exactly why the Dream Act needs to be passed now is anybody’s guess.
Well go ahead, Congress. Throw down that rubber stamp! That would be a much better course than impeaching a president who ignores our constitution by maneuvering around the Legislative branch and ruling by fiat. But be warned, Congress, any resistance on your part will be viewed as … are you ready? … partisanship! Maybe you should stop him anyway before he decides to “temporarily suspend” the 2012 election due to some manufactured national crisis, acting “well within the framework of existing laws.” Or maybe he’ll just find a judge who can declare reelections unconstitutional. Does that sound far fetched and outrageous? Yes, of course it does, but given this man’s track record, the day is fast approaching where nothing he does will surprise us.
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