Originally published by Communities @ Washington Times
SAN DIEGO, January 20, 2012 ? I have not yet listened to Democratic pundits discussing last night’s ABC interview with Newt Gingrich’s ex-wife, but remembering how they responded to Herman Cain and other conservatives accused of infidelity, I can probably write the script anyway.
Naturally I won’t be able to turn on the TV or read the newspaper without eventually catching such drivel. And so, since we are due for a heavy dosage of editorial, perhaps it’s time to review the rules of adultery where Democrats and Republicans are involved. That way, you will be better able to make sense of commentators who talk from both sides of their mouths.
You see, there is a different sexual standard for Democratic and Republican politicians and only the sophisticated person can appreciate such nuance. Of course, no single Democrat speaks for all, but in general, watch for Democratic pundits to offer commentaries such as the following:
“Republican infidelity is especially ironic. Why? Because Conservatives are made up in high numbers by holier-than-thou Christians, self righteous people who think they are better than anyone else. True, these same Christians describe themselves as sinners and offer the message of Jesus to anyone willing to turn from sin. And, well, yeah, I guess they do talk about mercy and forgiveness a lot. They are willing to consider the fact that Speaker Gingrich committed adultery ten years ago, having long since confessed his guilt. Still, a man who can’t be trusted by his wife cannot be trusted by the nation.”
“Oh sure, there are exceptions like Bill Clinton, but that whole matter was entirely different. Those mean and nasty Republicans were far too obsessed with sex, seeking to impeach the President over a trivial, unimportant matter such as his private life. And Gingrich participated in the witch hunt! Isn’t that a hoot? True, Republicans claimed that their agenda was not about sex and instead expressed concern over Clinton lying under oath but any thinking person knows the whole deal was all about sex!”
“What? You say that by this logic we Democrats are also obsessed with sex as far as Gingrich is concerned? No, this is not the same. You see, Republican candidates are the ones always bragging about family values, so when they commit sin, there’s a hypocrisy factor. How’s that? Well, yes, it’s true that when Democrats run for office they also claim to be in favor of family values and even go out of their way to point out that Republicans don’t own family values but…Well…Yeah… It’s still different. In fact…OK, let me put it another way: Republicans are all racist! So who cares about the sex anyway?”
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious obvious.
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