Originally published by Communities @ Washington Times
SAN DIEGO, December, 6, 2011 — As voters weigh the pros and cons of the GOP frontrunners, Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, one positive Gingrich quality keeps popping into the conversation like an enthusiastic Jack-in-the-box: The man is a good debater.
In fact, our former Speaker of the House keeps reminding us that if given the nomination, he will challenge President Obama to a series of Lincoln/Douglas style debates.
Much as that would be fun to see, don’t hold your breath.
Remember, both candidates have to agree to debate formats, and it is unlikely Obama would ever succumb to a situation where he is not clearly in the advantage. Watch for our president to say that he is content to stick with the tried and true practice of network news people creating questions for each candidate.
Should Gingrich refuse such a format, Obama will offer some speeches about how he is willing to work with Newt, but like most stubborn Republicans, the man just refuses to compromise for the “good of the American people.”
Anticipating such a possibility, Gingrich offers Plan B. He will follow the President on his campaign trail, speaking in every place Obama just spoke so that they will have their debate one way or the other.
“From that day forward, for the rest of the campaign, the White House will be my schedulers,” (New York Times, November 5, 2011).
Mr. Gingrich might find this novel idea a little bit difficult to carry out. Many of the places Obama speaks at would not give a conservative the time of day. What would happen, for example, if Gingrich followed Obama out to certain college campuses? There’s a very good chance he would get shouted down before three words could even roll out of his mouth.
This, of course, would be done for the sake of tolerance and diversity.
And so, watch for our usual fare of network formats that resemble reality shows more than debates.
We’ll witness hardball questions for Obama such as:
“Mr. President, isn’t it true that unlike Newt Gingrich, you never had an affair?”
Or, “Mr. President, if you fail to get reelected, won’t it be a sign that our country is turning back the clock from our redemption of 2008 and becoming racist once again?”
Questions for Gingrich will be more along these lines:
“Mr. Speaker, do you really think you stand a snowball’s chance in hell of being elected when you’re so downright unlikeable?”
Or, “Doesn’t the Gingrich family trace its ancestry to the law offices of Scrooge and Marley?”
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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