Who says we have to wait for Muslims to conquer the Western World to impose Sharia Law? A kind of Sharia law is already upon us. Now mind you, Muslims by themselves would not be able to enact these rules. They need help from the liberal media, the education system, the ACLU and (oh yes, lest we forget) our own Supreme Court, which recently ruled that a captured enemy combatant is entitled to all the same rights and privileges as an American citizen. Where does the constitution give enemy combatants such rights? I think it’s found next to the clause which allows judges to legislate from the bench.
In any event, such ruling enables the Muslim cause and its temporary series of informally understood rules, existing as a symbiont to Political Correctness. I realize such a codependent relationship sounds bizarre. Certainly there is nothing compatible between Political Correctness and Islam in reality. They are totally opposite philosophies of life and they look at the world through different glasses. But there is a popular term that explains this strange phenomenon. This title is called, “Useful Idiot.” The Politically Correct (with its sexually immoral agenda and gay rights agenda) is absolutely condemned in the Koran. Homosexuals are executed in countries like Saudi Arabia (our “ally”) Iran, Mauritania, Sudan, Somalia and Yemen. In Palestine, gays have been murdered by police and unruly mobs. Gays arrested for their “crime” have been beaten, thrown in prison and made to submerge their heads in excrement. Aren’t you just enthusiastically counting the days until the Palestinians have their own country? Boy, that will bring peace to the Middle East for sure! Meanwhile, Egypt supposedly has legal safeguards in place but gays in Egypt also get persecuted. And when the Taliban ran Afghanistan, they systematically eliminated homosexuals like a well-oiled machine not to mention the inhumane things they did to women who wanted rights. One would think this religion would be viewed as the PC movement’s greatest nightmare but in an ironic twist of fate, Islam managed to become a Politically Correct religion. It took a 9/11 to make this happen. After slitting the throats of stewardesses, ramming planes into buildings and then (in the months that followed) beheading people while chanting to Allah and then posting the whole thing on the internet where all could share in the joy, somehow, Islam became known as the religion of peace, and woe to any who say otherwise. In fact, many who claimed that Islam was violent have been killed by angry Muslims who did not want their religion insulted. That should teach them to point out violence in the name of Islam! Oh well. I guess any enemy of that dastardly George Bush is a friend to the left and so Islam with all its vile hatred and routine persecution, and hideous torture gets a free pass. The PC phrase, tolerance has been hijacked by the most intolerant religion of all time and they are using it to enforce a kind of Pre-Sharia.
Here’s my understanding of the rules so far. We are never to say anything negative about Islam. To even mention the words terrorist and Muslim in the same breath is Hate Speech. In England a man was arrested for telling his Muslim neighbor that Islam was responsible for 9/11. In Canada, journalist Mark Steyn faces the criminal charge of Hate Speech for warning that Islam has the goal of spreading Sharia Law all over the weakened West. The fact that what Styne says is actually true and the fact that he quoted a Muslim Imam enthusiastically admitting as much, is completely beside the point! It’s still Hate Speech. Meanwhile, the Koran makes the cruelest statements about Jews and Christians, forbids the befriending of Jews and Christians and commands followers of Allah to kill all infidels, infidels being defined as any people who refuse to convert. If you think we will not soon go the way of Canada and England in our own country then you are clueless, absolutely clueless, as to what is going on in the world. You think your constitutional right to freedom of speech will protect you? Our own congress is debating a Hate Speech bill of its own. And even if they weren’t, congress is no longer needed to pass legislation. Judges can already define speech any way they want. In case you haven’t noticed lately, our judges just kind of make it up as they go.
Another rule: When asked to explain their Jihad commands in the Koran, Muslims are allowed to change the subject by talking about the Crusades or the Old Testament wars. Muslims never end up having to explain a thing. Christians are expected to then apologize and drop the subject. To do otherwise is Hate Speech.
The rules continue: In our public schools, Muslim children have the right to prayer times. If Christians asked for these same rights, the ACLU would be there faster than you could scream, “Hypocrisy!” And while the left speaks against vouchers and speaks against private Christian schools, we now find textbooks at Muslim schools that advocate violence in the name of Islam.
Oh, and the torture rule? Being beheaded by a Muslim is not enough with which to accuse them of torture, unless you want to admit that we also do torture at Guantanamo Bay, where Muslims receive three meals a day, recreation time and the right to read the Koran. I think all they meant by torture was that some of the rock music was played so loud, some of the Muslims actually heard it. Man, that George Bush…I’ll tell you who he’s like: HE’S LIKE HITLER!!!!
Here’s another rule: All acts of terrorism are to be understood as righteous punishment for Israel’s “illegal” occupation of Palestine. This explains Muslim violence in the Philippines and in Indonesia. Well, I suppose some acts of terrorism stem from the fact that many of these poor people live under totalitarian regimes. But then, their only claim against these dictators is that they are not imposing Sharia Law. A secular dictator like Saddam Hussein is evil. A religious dictator in his place is perfectly fine. Or maybe some of these poor people would change their thinking if they could only live under a Democracy. But then, the growing Muslim populations of England, France, Germany and Canada do live under Democracy and they talk about wanting Sharia Law there too. And when the Palestinians were granted Democracy, they voted Hamas into power.
In case it hasn’t become obvious by now, all of these rules are really only variations of one rule: No matter what Islam does, you must not speak against it. To do so is to be intolerant. We must tolerate the religion which tolerates nothing. The same Politically Correct forces who insist that we tolerate gay marriage also insist that we tolerate a religion that executes gays, executes women who were raped (thus shaming their families) and will someday execute anyone who challenges them.
Who will win this war? If it were up to sheer force and military might, there would be nothing to worry about or even think about. It would be a joke. Unfortunately, Muslim extremists have figured out how to wage a PR war against their enemies. With the help of the PC media and education system, combined with new Supreme Court teeth, they are now winning the war hands down.
To be sung to the tune of “Candida”:
Sharia, We can make it together,
The West worries just about weather,
Global Warming and George Bush.
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