Originally published by Communities @ Washington Times
SAN DIEGO — January 14, 2011 — Although it has become fashionable for liberals to challenge right-wing “hate speech” with patronizing pleas to “tone down the rhetoric” and a microscopic ability to examine their own verbal ammunition, the discussion reached an all-time low this week following Arizona’s fateful shootings.
?Quick to add his personal spin on recent history, Bill Maher received quite the surprise while appearing on The Tonight Show, Tuesday, January 11th. This time, television’s hip crowd did not seem to appreciate Maher’s clever willingness to associate conservatives with violence.
Said Maher, “The right-wing loves, the go-to rhetoric for them is, “Wouldn’t it be fun to kill the people we disagree with?”
When members of the audience started booing, Maher asked them if they ever read. Such arrogance is par for the course with this smug celebrity and his personal track record of designating those who disagree with him as nothing but a pack of morons.
One cannot help but think of another recent shooting: The Pentagon incident. Bill Maher, in the middle of a standup routine commenting on how the perpetrator was gunned down said, “Why? Why? Why couldn’t this have been Glenn Beck?”
Call me a romantic, but Maher seemed to be having “fun” with the idea of Beck’s death. Yes, I do understand: The brilliant, artistic wit was in the middle of a comedy monologue. He did not intend for his well written oratory to be taken as a literal call to violence. But then, we conservatives are not the ones who need to be convinced that lone gunmen, (rather than the words they may be exposed to) are responsible for their own actions. If Maher really wants to go through this door, he’d be well advised to look both ways first, to the left as well as the right.
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