Originally published by Communities @ Washington Times
SAN DIEGO — January 8, 2011 A car explosion in front of Saints Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria killed 21 and injured 96 parishioners whose only crime was attending a New Year’s Eve Mass. As icing on the cake, some enthusiastic Muslims stepped on the bodies while gleefully issuing forth Jihadi chants.
?Already the historical revisionists (without even giving this incident time to enter a history book) are blaming Israel:
“Mossad behind Egypt church blast,” Iran’s official television outlet, Press TV, said in a headline Sunday. “All the evidence points to a Zionist plot,” the article said. First, “it goes without saying that no Muslim, whatever their political leanings may be, will ever commit such an inhumane act.” In addition, Press TV reported that “the fresh plot by terrorists to target churches is an organized Zionist scenario aimed at creating a rift between Muslims and Christians.” Christians are expressing fear the attack marks a widening of attacks by radical Islamists, which have increased dramatically in Iraq. Dozens of people were killed after terrorists took more than 120 Christians hostage in a Baghdad Catholic church in late October. (Jerusalem Post.com 1-4-11)
Ironically, even those who would dismiss this proposed scenario as something straight out of Joseph Goebbels’ bag of tricks, still tend to blame Israel in general for Islamic violence. As the story goes, Israel’s “illegal” occupation of Palestine and America’s tendency to take Israel’s side, inspires Muslim violence around the world. Yes, that must be it! The treatment of Muslim nations toward its Christian population is directly linked to Israel! All terrorism put aside, Islam is the official religion of Egypt and religious practices that defy Islamic law are outlawed. Exactly what this has to do with Israel, I’m sure I don’t know, but conventional wisdom insists that it’s still somehow linked to the Israeli-Palestinian situation.
In all fairness to Egypt, her laws pale by comparison to America’s “ally,” Saudi Arabia, who forbids the construction of church buildings, outlaws the Bible, and executes any Muslim who converts to Christianity or other religions. Looking at the Saudi situation ought to make us madder than ever at Israel!
And then there’s Kuwait, where religions not endorsed in the Koran are forbidden, or Algeria, where public assembly is restricted to the religion of Islam. How about that sweetheart, Syria where it is against the law for Christians to share their faith, or the Sudan where conversion to any religion other than Islam is met with death? Time does not permit me to discuss Qatar, Malaysi, or the Maldives, but rest assured, any problem these countries have with Christianity is really a problem with Israel!
On the other hand, perhaps we can consider that one of the greatest dilemmas of the 21st Century actually has nothing to do with Jews other than the fact that the Koran makes disparaging remarks against Jews and Christians alike, forbidding Muslims to even be their friends.
“Believers, take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends. They are friends with one another. Whoever of you seeks their friendship will become one of their number. God does not guide the wrong doers” (Surah 5).
This same Koran commands Muslims to wage war against any who will not convert to Islam:
“Prophet make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them” (Surah 9).
While many peaceful Muslims reinterpret such passages and renounce violence, the words still exist and are considered by many to be sacred scripture. Nothing is being accomplished by pretending otherwise or using Israel as a scapegoat. Make no mistake: The problem Muslim countries have with Israel is the same problem they have with their own Christian populations: Non-Muslim nations are not being tolerated. Period!
Note: For a true history of the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians, see this series of articles from Bob Siegel:
The Truth About Israel And Palestine
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