Published by San Diego Rostra 11-6-10 (Also quoted in the Flash Report)
Well, it didn’t take the main stream media long, did it? In the wake of last night’s historic victory, our new Speaker-Of The-House, John Boehmer is being asked what Republicans will do to create jobs since they didn’t care for the ideas coming from Obama and his fiscally brilliant staff of golden goose growers.
My Republican friends, lest you forget the very temporary, extremely probationary provision with which you were sent back to Washington, lest your start faltering less than 24 hours after the victory, allow your ol’ pal Bob to supply a pithy answer in the dumbed down style that seems to work for a culture with a memory the size of a single Skittle: “What will we do to create jobs? Nothing! Absolutely nothing. Nothing other than getting the h-ll out of the way!!!”
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