October 28, 2010
Have you heard the latest? Obama claims the unpopularity of his “free” health care (according to one poll after another) is explained by the fact that he was so busy working around the clock and burning the midnight oil on our behalf, moving the health care bill through congress (along with his other wise policies) that precious little time remained to properly explain these gallant new laws to the public.
Have I missed something? The man has literally given hundreds upon hundreds of speeches during his two years in office. One could scarcely turn on the TV without seeing that mug.
Mr. President, you did explain health care. You explained your other fiscally responsible bills as well. In fact, these explanations have had more performances than Les Miserables. And even if you hadn’t explained, not everybody needs your explanations. Some of us understood without needing to listen to you. Some of us read between the lines and saw all the stuff you didn’t want us to know. Mr. President, do not worry about whether you have clarified these programs. They are clear as crystal. But here’s the thing and I’m afraid there’s really no getting around it : We don’t like your policies. We want you to take them away.
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