Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, under pressure from the Obama administration to have peace talks with people who want Israel dead, tried to offer a deal to the Palestinians.
Here’s the deal: Israel will discontinue the settlements in “occupied territory” if the Palestinians will acknowledge a new Israeli law
Israel has added an amendment to its citizenship requirements: Those who wish to become citizens must take an oath that affirms Israel as “a Jewish and democratic state.” The oath doesn’t demand that Israeli citizens be Jewish or become Jewish. There are already many Arabs and Christians who live as Israeli citizens but the law does remind people that historically, the modern state of Israel was set up as a home to Jews who were being persecuted in other parts of the world for 2000 years. In the words of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel was set up to be “the national state of the Jewish People, as the sovereign state of the Jewish People in its historic homeland.”
Well, needless to say, the Palestinians have a tremendous problem with this even though the preamble to the Palestinian Basic Law talks about “the continuous attachment of the Arab Palestinian people to the land of their fathers and forefathers”
It also says in Article 4 “Islam is the official religion in Palestine and “the principles of Islamic Sharia shall be the main source of legislation.” Article 116 states, “laws shall be promulgated in the name of the Palestinian Arab people.”
Syrian leader Bashar Assad told journalists that Israel’s declaration to be a Jewish state “fascist” act that “proves” that Israel is a “racist country.
The fact that Palestinians want it to be an all Muslim country is not racist of course. As a matter of fact, the Palestinians Charter does not recognize Israel’s right to exist at all and Palestinian children are taught that Jews are devils.
The Palestinians do not want a two state solution. They want a one-state solution. They are unwilling to share the land with Israel
And then, of course, the Palestinians put Hamas in power, a terrorist organization also bent on the destruction of Israel. Hamas also condemns Israel’s new oath. Big surprise, this from the organization that has summer camps for young boys that teach them how to be terrorists. Of course, former President, Jimmy Carter says Israel should make deals with Hamas and accusses Israel of thwarting the peace process when she builds walls to keep terrorists out. Meanwhile, our current President defines East Jerusalem (the capital city of Israel) as part of Israel’s “occupied territory.”
When will our upside down world condemn evil rather than countries who trying to fight evil? Maybe when we go back and teach a basic Evil 401 class. “Kids, those who lie about their historical claim to a land and murder those who truly belong there are evil. Those who speak the truth about their own country and build walls to keep out terrorists are NOT evil. See how it works, kids?
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