Today, while shopping, I saw a small collection of DVD’s marked down at a special price, $9.99. Not $10.00, mind you, not $10.00 at all. Don’t even think about $10.00. It’s $9.99…Well, $9.99 plus tax, so I guess it’s actually more than $10.00 but let’s get back to the special bargain.
The sign said, “Only $9.99 and Up!” Are you catching the moment? Are sharing my joy by co-inhaling the flavor of this euphoric experience? “Only $9.99 and Up!” I guess that could mean anything. Presumably, a $75.00 DVD is the “and up” part.
It reminds me of the 10 percent off you get at Disneyland restaurants if you buy a year pass. Then your hamburger only costs $54.00 instead of $60.00. But then, it might be shaped with mouse ears. Can’t put a price tag on that!
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