October 01, 2010
To those who accused me of trying to instill fear, to others who suggested I was being too pessimistic, and to others who implied that I was trying to exploit and manipulate a national news story with downright lies: All apologies are cheerfully accepted.
As a matter of fact, I am not the only one who deserves an apology. Any conservative talk show host, or columnist, or politician who warned about what was inside Obama Care has now been vindicated because that stack of mile high paper is finally being deciphered and all the stuff they warned you about is in there.
The very first apology should come from President Obama himself, although on that day we can all go ice skating, because it will mean hell had frozen over. Obama looked our citizens in the eye, calling Republican senators and representatives liars for saying that his law of compassion would supply health insurance for illegal aliens and cover abortions. In fact, both “lies” turned out to be the truth. As for Death Panels? Well, yeah, they too are in there, all kinds of government committees deciding who is or is not going to be allowed certain proceedures, since there will not be enough money to take care of everybody, although granted, (in Obama’s fine tradition) the Death Panels will not be called “Death Panels.” Whew! That’s a relief.
Meanwhile, now that private insurance companies are required by law to continue covering children up to 26 years of age, many of them are jacking up their rates or just placing all children on separate policies. And because of higher premiums, a lot of businesses are realizing that they simply cannot offer health care for their employees, so we may also be well on the road to that single payer health system, something Obama admitted he was in favor of before he became President. Of course, as President, he went on and on about how we can keep the insurance we already have if that is what we want to do. I suppose that’s true. We can keep our insurance until Obama makes it unaffordable or squeezes it out of business altogether, whichever comes first.
President Obama, your critics did not lie; you did, quite a few times. But uncharacteristically, Speaker-Of-The-House, Nancy Pelosi didn’t lie. Indeed, the bill was passed before we found out what was in it.
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