Allow me to think out loud for a moment. Isn’t it interesting how many Liberals tend to speak against war of any kind? Although seldom admitting in so many words a disdain for the military, they are usually hard pressed when asked to admit a situation where trained fighting soldiers were truly needed. Meanwhile, several prestigious colleges have banned Army recruiters or ROTC from their campuses.
And yet, when you get these same peace lovers to talk about allowing gays in the military, we are suddenly treated to stern lectures, laced with previously hidden patriotic talk, coming out of the closet as a reminder of how heroic it is when homosexuals want to protect their country like everybody else. At this point, the Constitution, freedom, and the American way are cherished novelties worth sacrificing for. I guess the president who finally repeals “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” will be able to execute any war he wants.
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