September 28, 2010
Senator John Kerry gave us the benefit of his profound wisdom and crack insight. When asked why Democrats are on the road to losing congress, Kerry explains: “We have an electorate that doesn’t always pay that much attention to what’s going on so people are influenced by a simple slogan rather than the facts or the truth or what’s happening.”
Hmm…Simple slogans… Let me see if I’m following this: Conservatives are the ones who give in to simple slogans! Which simple slogans, Senator? Simple slogans like, “My body, my choice”? How about “Republicans are the party of no”? Or maybe that one about how anyone who objects to gay marriage is “hateful and intolerant.” Oh wait, I almost forgot: “Any American citizen who wants to protect our borders is a racist.” Yeah, that shows depth and nuance in the analysis. And then, there’s my personal favorite; a senator who, while running for president in 2008, reminded us every single day that he served in Vietnam. Yes indeed, watch out for those pea brained Conservatives and their childish, one dimensional slogans.
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