September 22, 2010
Obama loves to go on and on about how Republicans are complaining without sharing any ideas of their own. As a matter of fact, Republicans in congress have been abundantly clear and generously specific about their ideas and today they were spelled out even more emphatically as a new “Contract With America” that promises to undue the financially disastrous stimulus, health care bill, etc.
Although now more official, these ideas have been shared both publicly and privately (with our president) for some two years. Whenever it happens, Obama reverts to Plan B. “Sure, Republicans have ideas, but they’re backwards ideas. Why give the car keys to somebody who’s only going to put the car in reverse?”
OK, Mr. President, since the automobile seems to be your favorite analogy, if that same car is about to go over a cliff, why give the keys to somebody who plans to keep the vehicle in drive?
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