September 17, 2010
Well, it happened: Against tremendous odds, Christine O’Donnell defeated longtime, staple Congressman, Michael Castle in the Delaware Republican primary for Senator.
Now, commentators like Karl Rove and Charles Krauthammer (both of whom I respect) are scolding the Tea Party movement, claiming it may have ruined our chances to take back the Senate this November by supporting a candidate who cannot possibly win.
Putting aside the fact that many already predicted O’Donnell would not win the primary either, allow me to stipulate: Yes, whether they be moderate Republicans or conservative Republicans, it is necessary to nominate the candidate who can actually win, especially this year when retaking Congress is more important than ever before in the history of our country.
Having said that, may I humbly suggest that the time for such a discussion is over because the primary is now history. Whatever people sincerely think should have happened, the fact remains, Christine O’Donnell did get the nomination. It is time for Conservatives to come together. Instead of complaining that the poor woman can’t win, let’s just get behind this newcomer and see to it that she does win!
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