September 14, 2010
Have you been confused? Are you wondering why all this unfounded paranoia toward the beautiful religion of peace wreaks havoc upon our over reacting country? Well be of good cheer! Barry the Brilliant has carried the day once again. At a press conference, Obama was asked why the country seems to have a greater fear of Muslims these days. The response was utter genius. You see, when things are already going wrong, you know, the economy and stuff like that, it raises people’s anxiety over other matters as well.
Hmm…Yeah… Of course. Why didn’t the rest of us figure this out? I can see so much more clearly now. President Obama certainly lifted the fog. Of course, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to briefly consider another possibility: Militant Muslims have declared war on America, slammed American planes into buildings, beheaded Americans, warned Americans to convert or die, and threatened to kill anybody who calls the Koran a violent book. Meanwhile, these same Muslims go out of their way to obey the violent commands which actually are in the book.
Or perhaps, it’s that goal of Sharia Law for America which gives us the creeps, especially since we see how certain Muslim countries enforce Brigadoon bliss type judicial systems, i.e. executing Christians, homosexuals, women seen in public with men who are not their husbands, and anybody else who disobeys that peaceful collection of sacred scriptures.
And then there’s this Ground Zero mosque. Mosques built upon sights of Muslim led destruction are viewed by Jihadists as a sign of victory over infidels. And the Imam who wants to head this mosque praises the cutthroat organization Hamas in Arabic. In English he doesn’t go quiet that far. He merely avoids questions about Hamas and warns that the Muslim elements not quite as moderate as himself will murder a bunch of Americans if that mosque isn’t darn well completed. Finally, in the name of “building bridges between people,” Fiesal Rauf blames all objections to the mosque on Islamophobia. His wife goes even further, calling it “hatred” and a new form of “anti-Semitism,” forgetting to mention that one of the most anti-Semitic books in history is the Koran.
Having said that….Yeah…Obama is probably right. If not for the economy, we wouldn’t be upset with Muslims in such an irrational, unfounded way.
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