September 14, 2010
Conservatives are in near euphoria as November approaches. All reliable polls suggest that Republicans will take back the House. Some indicators even see the Senate changing hands.
Assuming Obama doesn’t create some crisis and find a way to blame Conservatives, I am planning a celebration on election night. But only a brief one. Then, we must get ready for 2012. Say what you want about our president, the man knows how to make gullible people eat out of his hand. He plays the crowd as well as he plays golf. (And almost as often.) True, many are waking up. But these same yawning, coffee drinking souls who elected this Pied Piper in the first place, can fall under his trance again at the drop of a medicine man’s hat.
Consider this: If two years from now, our economy is doing better, Obama will grab all the credit. This is exactly what happened when Bill Clinton was reelected after two years of a Republican House/Senate takeover. To this day, Democratic talking points boast of the great economy George Bush inherited from Clinton. Republicans get no congratulations whatsoever. Indeed, Speaker Of The House, Newt Gingrich was vilified by periodicals such as Time Magazine, with their shameless, but effective, cover story: The Gingrich Who Stole Christmas. Ironically, the “greedy, Capitalist politics” of Gingrich are the exact same policies Clinton took a bow for. Yet, what do people remember? Gingrich the Greedy and Clinton the Fiscally Wise. Watch for a remake of this motion picture should Republicans reclaim Congress and rescue our evaporating economy.
On the other hand, if things have not turned around two years from now, Obama has the perfect scapegoat. If you thought he enjoyed playing his favorite George Bush wild card, just wait until you hear all those tear jerker speeches about mean, nasty, non cooperating Republicans refusing to even consider his compassionate, Marxist ideas. Heck, he blames them even now for what he can’t accomplish, even though Republicans have virtually zero voting power.
Last week, I wrote a blog about Obama’s new mantra: “Republicans are the Party of No.” Liberals are great at those mindless, yet successful, head jamming methods. True, such Romper Room style tactics treat adults like children, but what can I say? Much as we wish people would use their heads and actually think for themselves, human beings tend to activate their votes before activating their brains.
Even as I write, the current Republican leadership is going back and forth about how much to cooperate with the forthcoming tax vote. They come across as desperate men, trying in vain to avoid the title partisan as if that meant something other than standing by a true, heart felt conviction and as if Democrats were not the most partisan species ever to grace our fair planet.
I must strongly urge any victorious Republican politicians to be savoy, yet uncompromising, after they take back Congress. Many (not all, but many) Republicans are notorious for standing by their values while running for office or holding down the fort as the minority party. Then, once that taste of power tickles the tongue, they turn complacent and worry more about what the New York Times editorial page will write about them then what the very people who put them in office expect. Will Republicans want to be criticized for “repealing our marvelous, compassionate health care?” Will they be able to handle the false but sure to be used title “racist and bigot” for reasserting anti-terrorist policies and confronting Radical Islam head on? Are they going to stand their ground about tax cuts and spending cuts despite the lie that being frugal means they only care about rich people? Can Senators and Congressmen stomach being painted as “uncooperative,” even when they know deep inside that to refuse cooperation with our present course might just be the only action which saves America from disaster? Do they realize the main stream media will (with Obama’s help) paint them as demons no matter what they do? Have they finally figured out that they may as well just do what is right?
Make no mistake: 2010 is only a prologue, like that smaller book entitled, The Hobbit. Tolkien’s first novel was nothing without his more important tale, The Lord of the Rings. 2012 will be a festival or a funeral. It all hinges upon our Republican politicians trying something new and novel: Discontinuing politics. If only we could send Sam and Frodo to Washington. Alas, Mt. Doom was probably easier.
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