Sept 13, 2010
Film maker, Michael Moore, no stranger to the phenomenon of opinion offerings, has finally chimed in on the New York City mosque controversy. Moore says he does not want it built in the vicinity of Ground Zero. Instead, he wants it on Ground Zero.
Actually, Moore is a pretty bright guy. He’s smart enough to know that Jews, Christians, and other religious faiths will not be sending out hit men for his offensive remarks. He also knows that even if some American nut case wanted to do just that, he would be prosecuted to the fullest extent of American law. Now, let’s see him call upon Saudi Arabia to allow the construction of a church or synagogue. Where? Well, no, it does not have to be in the heart of Mecca. Tell you what, Michael, just ask them to build one anywhere in the country. On the day Moore shows that kind of bravery, hell will freeze over, Democrats will find a defense for their president apart from hurling the name, “racist” at his opponents, Christ will return, and movie goers will actually go to see one or two of Moore’s films.
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