September 07, 2010
I used to enjoy reading Time Magazine. In fact, I’ll go you one better: Time is the only periodical I have ever subscribed to. How sad to see this once prestigious collection of print degenerate into a sea of irresponsible, sensationalist journalism, unmatched even by the National Enquirer. It reeks of cowardly Political Correctness, brainwashed propaganda, and vain, pitiful attempts to restore its dying readership in the wake of the Internet media reformation.
The cover story of this week’s Time Magazine says, “Why Israel Doesn’t Care About Peace.”
I see…Israel doesn’t want peace. I guess they didn’t want peace when they gave back the Sinai to Egypt. You will recall that they only took the Sinai in the first place because then President Nasser of Egypt bragged about how he would destroy Israel, not push for a two state solution, but destroy her. Years later, under a Jimmy Carter treaty, Israel gave the land back.
And was Israel against peace when she returned the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians? Actually, she was accused of thwarting the peace process. How? Why? You really have to follow the rational train of thought on this one: You see, after Israel withdrew from Gaza, the Palestinians under the direction and influence of Hamas, thanked their Israeli neighbors by firing rockets at her from across the new Gaza border. When Israel retaliates or stops ships carrying additional weapon supplies for Gaza, she is viewed as the villain.
I think the time has come to try this a whole new way: Here’s my suggestion: Israel should stop giving back land. That’s it. No more land. No more peace talks. Just cease and desist and let the chips fall where they may. I know the world will criticize her for such a decision but in case you haven’t noticed by now, Israel gets condemned no matter what she does. So what difference will it make to her reputation? None. What difference will it make to Israel? Well, she’ll be safer. That’s something, isn’t it?
Basically speaking, that land is theirs anyway. Israel’s historical claim goes back to ancient times and just because the Romans displaced the Jews, that does not mean Jewish people had no right to return to their home land years later when the League of Nations invited them to do just exactly that. A remnant of Jews had remained in the land those past two thousand years anyway. Yes, Arabs were there too as a result of Muslim expansion in the 600’s and other expansions later. The Balfour Declaration promised the Jews all of what we today call Israel, all of what we today call Jordan, and most of what we today call “occupied territory,” occupied only because Israel won a war when a bunch of collaborating nations chose to attack and annihilate her. I would say that after Great Britain helped create Jordan by selling 75 percent of the promised land to the Arabs behind the backs of the Jews, enough Jewish land was taken away. I would say that when Arabs wanted the additional 25 percent, and Israel agreed (in accordance with the new United Nations) to partition the territory once again, enough land was taken away. The Arabs rejected this two state solution, leading to the 1948 war and the displaced Arabs (later changing their names to Palestinians in the 1960’s).
Even today, most Israelis are in favor of a two state solution if only it will bring peace. But it won’t bring peace. As I said in last week’s blog, once there is a separate “Palestinian” state, the Palestinians will take the next step and call for the “right of return.” My source for this assumption? The Palestinians! That is just exactly what they say they will do, but the world isn’t listening.
Here’s the thing: When Israel keeps giving back land, she involuntarily puts forth a false message that the land was never her’s in the first place. This causes the Arabs to ask for even more land. It will never end until there is no more Israel.
The land belongs to the Israelis. Even if you don’t believe it was a gift from God (as I do) the human rights related historical facts mentioned above are undeniable to anyone who wants to look at history honestly and square in the eye.
My advice to Israel: Give back no more land.
My advice to Time Magazine: Give back the money to anyone unfortunate enough to still subscribe to your thoughtless, shameful, brain dead publication.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
NOTE: For an in depth, thorough, documented history of the Israelis and Palestinians, starting with ancient times and leading all the way up to the 21st century see:
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