Originally published by San Diego Rostra on 9-3-10
Excitement flows through the land. Maybe this time, Helpful Hillary will accomplish what nobody ever succeeded in before, a peace treaty between the Israelis and Palestinians. At the expense of sounding like Lt. Columbo, please indulge me as I ask a few simple, child like questions.
1) When two countries sign a treaty, aren’t they both supposed to make concessions? Israel is always asked to give up land. What have the Palestinians EVER been asked to give? All they do is promise to stop killing Jews in exchange for land. And then, a day or two after the promise, terrorist attacks occur anyway. Sometimes they don’t even wait that long. Hamas just shot four Jews this week on the eve of the “peace talks.”
2) Is anyone aware that Mahmoud Abbas (the kinder, gentler, more congenial leader of the Palestinian Authority) is a holocaust denier?
3) Is anyone aware that the PLO charter does not recognize any claim of Jews on the Holy Land and that Israel does not exist on any map in Palestinian schools?
4) Is anyone aware that the terrorist organization, Hamas was democratically elected into the Palestinian government and this same Hamas calls for the complete annihilation of Israel?
5) Is anyone aware that Palestinians, when asked if a two state solution will be enough, claim that after they have received their state, they will then call for the “right of return?” This is code (although not a very subtle code) for Israel should be under Palestinian control.
6) Is anyone aware that Jews who have lived under Muslims in the Middle East have been treated abominably, often murdered or forced out of their homes and that there have been countless Jewish refugees which the world never seemed to care about as much as the Palestinian refugees? Did you know Israel has been willing to take in all homeless Jews, unlike most of the Arab countries which refused to incorporate Palestinians, with the exception of places like Jordan who did take them in but then kept them behind barbed wire? And so, is it really much stretch of the imagination to figure out how Jews will fare in Israel if the Palestinians obtained a majority and took over the government? Even with safety concerns put aside, is it not an act of insanity to even have that conversation at all inasmuch as the Jews do have historical claim to the land and those who say otherwise are either bold faced liars or pitifully ignorant?
7) Is anyone aware that the “Palestinians” became refuges because they refused the 1947 two-state solution proposed by the United Nations? Are they aware that in those days, the people were not calling themselves Palestinians, but rather Arabs. Are they aware that when Jordon, Egypt, Syria and other countries publicly stated that they would wipe Israel off the face of the earth, many of the Arabs in the area left their homes to either join the surrounding Arab armies or get out of their way and that this is how they became refugees? Are they aware that Israel offered to repatriate them after the war if they would agree to live in peace and no such promise was given? Are they aware of the many Arabs who did not leave their homes or join the attacking armies? Do they realize these Arabs became citizens of Israel with more rights than any Arab in any Arab country? Are they aware that the designation Palestinian came years later when Yassir Arafat created the myth of an indigenous people who had supposedly lived in that land for thousands of years? He did this as a publicity ploy because he knew how gullible the world can be and the tactic worked hands down. In fact, Arabs came into the Holy Land after the time of Mohammad (600?s) conquering the land in obedience to Muslim Jihad. After that, Jews and Arabs both inhabited the area all the way up to the time when the United Nations proposed a two state solution, which, once again, was accepted by the Israelis and rejected by the Arabs. The land had been informally called Palestine since the early second century, only as a result of Roman desecration, and a decision on the part of Emperor Hadrian to humiliate the Jews by changing the name of their land to that of their ancient (and by then extinct) enemy, the Philistines. Palestine is a Latinized version of the word Philistine.
In any event, it is apparent that most people today know none of these facts. Hillary Clinton has called for this to be the final deal. Actually, I keep hearing the term” Final Solution” from news pundits. Although many have used the phrase with the sincerest intentions, ironically, those words hold a chilling memory to anyone familiar with the Holocaust and Hitler’s self professed Final Solution, the complete liquidation of the Jewish race. Naive motives put aside, this “road to peace” could have similar results. Meanwhile, our Secretary of State calls upon both parties to end the squabbling once and for all, i.e., a new Palestinian state which will satisfy everyone and guarantee the safety of Israel taboot. Supposedly nothing will ever be asked of Israel again after this blessed day.
But that is not what is going to happen. If a two-state solution finally materializes, Palestinians will keep plowing forward and press for the “right of return.” Countries all over the world, insisting today that Israel should be sanctioned for not cooperating with a two-state solution (even though they have been cooperating for quite some time) will (in the future) demonstrate short memories and turn on Israel after she agrees to all this two state drivel, acting as if two states were never the crucial issue anyway. On that day, Israel will be called upon to participate in a ONE state solution. If she refuses to do so, Jimmy Carter, the United Nations, and many others will accuse the Israelis of “thwarting the peace process.”
In case you haven’t figured out where I’m coming from by now, I’ll spell it out more clearly: Israel should stop giving back land and stop making deals. If peace truly waited in the wings, that would be another matter. It is not going to unfold that way. Israel may as well do what she needs to survive.
As Columbo finishes his questions and leaves the room, he stops short, and walks back in for a second, true to form: “Oh, one more thing: Just thought I’d mention it: The “”moderate” Imam, Feisal Rauf, also believes in this ONE state solution. With peaceful Muslims like Rauf, who needs Hamas?”
NOTE: A 12 part series (linked below) authenticates the history discussed above and expands the discussion with careful detail.
The Truth About Israel And Palestine
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