September 04, 2010
Imam Feisal Rauf continues to insist that his mosque be built on the vicinity of Ground Zero for the sake of “tolerance and healing.” The governor of New York has offered him another site not far away. Rauf insists that changing his mind about the project would “violate his faith.”
Oh really Mr. Rauf? Well frankly, that statement reaffirms my view of your faith. On the other hand, I wish people in America would familiarize themselves with some of the things this “moderate” Muslim says in Arabic. One brave translator is Walid Shoebat, an ex-Muslim, ex-terrorist, Palestinian who speaks the truth about fundamentalist Islam at risk of his life and receives countless death threats. I had the privilege of interviewing this brave man on my radio program a few years ago and the show can still be heard in the radio archives section of my website.
In some sectors of the Muslim culture, it is taught that one only need speak the truth in Arabic. English, evidently, doesn’t count. Whereas in English, Feisal Rauf has hemmed and hawed and tiptoed around direct questions about whether or not he believes Hamas is a terrorist organization, in Arabic his answers are a little more on the crystal clear side. Rauf has not only admitted the truth about Hamas, he has praised them.
Time to stop this discussion about whether or not Friendly Feisal’s mosque should be built on the site of Ground Zero. The only relevant question is whether or not he should be aloud to build anywhere.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious.
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