September 03, 2010
Congressman Barney Frank is introducing a bill that would force all businesses to have genderless bathrooms. Evidently, doors marked “Male or “Female” show discrimination to transgenders, homosexuals, etc. I hope I don’t need to say much about this one. I’d prefer to think the stand on its head logic of our times is finally sinking in: Kiss male and female privacy goodbye! If this goes into law, no business bathroom (if it is big enough to accommodate more than one person as opposed to the small one where a single occupant locks the door) will be able to guarantee any kind of comfortable buffer zone.
Whenever Conservatives vote against gay marriage or other laws that supposedly are about nothing but equality, they find their own rights in jeopardy. In the name of providing human rights for some, a fundamental human right and human dignity is being ripped away from most. The reason is simple: Human beings by nature are not satisfied. When activists are given an inch, it is only their cue to take a mile.
I won’t insult your intelligence by saying any more. I think you get the idea. All kinds of other rights also weigh in the balance but I have already written many articles about those. As for Barney’s fun bill, petitions are going around to stop it. I do not assume for a second that our current Congress gives a hang what the majority of the population thinks, but why not sign it anyway? And come November, come quickly!
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