Sept 1, 2010
While Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu headed to Washington for more of those important peace talks, brokered by an Obama administration desperate to prove to the Arab world that he will be more “even handed” with Israel, news came in about four innocent Israelis shot while traveling on West Bank Route 60 by snipers from the terrorist organization, Hamas.
It never fails: Every time Israel agrees to these insane peace talks, there is a terrorist attack. This is because diplomacy with terrorists emboldens terrorists. The Palestinians have no desire for a two state solution, only a one state solution. Hamas, elected into power by the poor, “occupied” Palestinians, calls for the complete genocide of Israel in its constitution. Hamas, incidentally, is the group which “moderate” Muslim Imam Feisal Rauf, refuses to dubb terrorist because the phenomenon of terrorism is “complicated.”
Even apart from Hamas, the Palestinian charter does not recognize Israel’s right to exist either. Is any of this a big surprise inasmuch as they fired rockets into Israel right after Israel turned the Gaza Strip over to them as a first fruits on the road to a peaceful, independent Palestinian state?
How much longer will America force Israel to make deals with people who simply want her dead? How much longer will pacifists who claim to be against all violence, wail on Israel but conspicuously forget to have a problem with those who espouse genocide. Call me simple minded, but I always thought genocide was kind of a bad thing, you know, the stuff our peacenik friends always protest. I am not a pacifist and as I just stated, pacifism does not work against terrorism. Still, I could respect a consistent pacifist. But when they blame the attacked and excuse the attacker, something smells. Indeed, at a Muslim peace rally in Florida last year, a Muslim woman shouted, “Go back to the ovens, Jews.”
Oh those poor Palestinians. How dare these nasty Jewish neighbors choose to live! If they really wanted to support the peace process, they would allow their country to be slaughtered tomorrow if not sooner. I sense another U.N. resolution in the wind. There have been over 70 condemnations against Israel from the United Nations. There have been none against the Palestinians. Well, maybe if they considered Iran, once again, for their human rights council, things would change. In the meantime, the United Nations will continue to ask America to be more “Even handed.”
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