“Could you please help me out? My son-in-law asked me about this verse last night and I don’t even remember reading it before! Any insight? Thanks so much.”
“But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them – bring them here and kill them in front of me.'”
This is the last quotation from a story (parable) Jesus is telling. These are not Jesus’ non fiction words to the crowd. These are the FICTITIOUS words of Jesus the story teller and should be viewed no differently than an actor portraying a part. It is analogous to Jesus’ Second Coming and Judgment day where those who have not received Christ will not be allowed into His kingdom of heaven. And so, unless your Son in Law has never heard of the biblical theology of heaven and hell or the Christian teaching that Jesus is the only way to God, this should not be some new disturbing surprise.
Undoubtedly he already knows you believe in a heaven and hell. I am sure he does not like the teaching that those who reject Jesus will end up in hell, and that is a discussion to have with him in its own right but your son in law has made no “new discovery of teaching from Jesus.” Instead he has illustrated the confusion which takes place when people take one verse entirely out of context.
Of course, people who go to hell do so not because they flunked some theology exam about not believing in Jesus, but rather, because they chose not to repent of sin. Jesus and the Holy Spirit indwelling us are the remedies for sin (forgiveness of sin and power to overcome sin) that God has provided.
Actually, A Loving God Would Send People to Hell
How Could a loving God send people to Hell?
I sn’t it closed minded to say that Jesus is the only way to God?