Originally published: November 15, 2007
The party of Kennedy and Roosevelt? Give me a break! Yes, I do understand. This is the proud defense of today’s Democrats. I too am a Democrat. I was brought up by Democratic parents and we were indeed proud to be part of the party of John Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt. I still remain registered as a Democrat but I always vote Republican. Why? Well, let me explain but I must first share some tragic news that’s going to devastate many of you.
You may want to sit down as you read this. Most people do read sitting down so in all likelihood it won’t be a problem for you. Ok, now take a deep breath and brace yourself. Oh, and also, remember: Please don’t shoot the messenger. OK. Here’s the news. John Kennedy is dead. He’s been dead for many decades. Franklin Roosevelt is also dead and he’s been dead even longer than Kennedy. I’m so sorry I had to be the one to tell you but somebody had to say it: We are no longer the party of Kennedy and Roosevelt because Kennedy and Roosevelt aren’t here. And even if they were here: one of three things would happen. 1) They’d leave the Democratic Party and become Republicans. 2) They’d change the Democratic Party so that it is no longer being hijacked by self righteous, sanctimonious, leftist, whinny, morally bankrupt, Politically Correct loudmouths. 3) They would cave into the political pressures and compromise the very positions that made them great. I believe Option Three to be the least likely but we’ll never know because, well, again, they’re dead.
Incidentally, what were their positions? Did they even remotely represent the positions most Democrats take today? Was either man in favor of making abortion legal? Was either man in favor of gay marriage? Was either man in favor of silencing debate in the name of Hate Speech? Was either man a peacenick unprepared to make war when the better interests of the United States were in danger? Did we not have World War Two under Roosevelt, a President who wanted to go to war with Germany even before Pearl Harbor was bombed by the Japanese? Did Kennedy not bring our troops into Vietnam?
It’s time to drop this laughable tag line. Allow me to make the obvious obvious: Today’s Democratic Party is NOT the party of John Kennedy and Franklin Roosevelt. Indeed, when you say such things you run the risk of causing both men to turn in their graves.
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