August 30, 2006
It’s hurricane season once again. I have just one thing to say about these hurricanes: “Oh that George Bush!!!”
What does George Bush have to do with hurricanes?” Nothing! Absolutely nothing, just as he had nothing to do with last year’s hurricanes. I only wanted to sound hip and radical and with it, like all the other Politically Correct people so that I can be fashionable at the cocktail parties. Therefore…“Oh that George Bush!”
Of course hurricanes are only part of the news. There’s been a lot going on in the world these last two weeks, but you wouldn’t know that from our cable channels. To watch our 24 hour networks, you’d think there was basically one story worth reporting, the alleged confession by the murderer of Jon Bonet Ramsey. Please don’t misunderstand me. She was a beautiful little girl and her story is a heart wrenching one. No event in the world will ever be as important to her parents. Not only did they have to endure a horrible tragedy, they were accused of being in on the murder themselves. Assuming this was a false accusation, (and I always did assume that) the tragedy became a nightmare.
Nevertheless, some perspective is in order: Thousands upon thousands of children are murdered every year. When the media focuses on one event to make it the headline news and they do it night after night, week after week, month after month as they did ten years ago and as they are starting to do again, one has to wonder if there are two or three other events in the world just a little more newsworthy.
For example: August 22nd last week was a holy day for Muslims. August 22 was also the day Ahamadinnejad said he would answer the United Nations’ request to stop advancing nuclear power. Although the 22nd was a Tuesday for us, it was already the 22nd in Iran on what would have been Monday night to us. So, I’m home Monday night, flipping through the cable channels. On CNN, Jon Bonet Ramsey. CNN’s other channel, Healine News, world wide news across the globe, 24 hours a day: What were they talking about? Jon Bonet Ramsey. And on MSNBC? Jon Bonet Ramsey. And on Fox? Now most of the time I like Fox. And I’ll grant them Greta Van Susteren. Greta is going to talk about Jon Bonet Ramsey because her year of Scott Peterson ended when he finally went to jail, and the Natalie Holloway story just isn’t bringing in the ratings anymore. In fact, I had been in a state of amazement recently because during the Israel -Hezbollah battle, Greta was actually talking about it. She was discussing world events instead of combing the police reports for some bisexual cheerleader who disappeared after trying to get her cat down from a tree. Then when this “gentleman” confessed to be Jon Bonet Ramsey ‘accidental killer, re-awakening a case that is ten years old, I said to myself, “Oh boy, Goodbye, Greta. She’s going to retreat from the real news faster than the French and Belgian army put together.” Yes, I expected that from Greta. I did not expect it to take up half of Hannity and Colmes since the story has nothing to do with the left, the right or the in between. Sean, along with Alan’s substitute, did mention the August 22nd phenomenon, but only late in the show. O’Reilly never mentioned it at all. But he opened with two segments in a row about (three guesses and the first two don’t count) Jon Bonet Ramsey.
Ahamadinnejad never did anything last week after all. He didn’t fire missiles at Israel as people thought he might and that’s something we can be grateful for. My point is that nobody knew yet what was going to happen and he did tell the United Nations he’ll continue his nuclear program despite their fearsome protests which cause him to lose sleep at nights. So maybe hours upon hours of talking heads discussing whether Ponce Del La Predator is guilty or lying or mentally ill, is not the biggest priority right now.Save it for the National Enquirer. Put it next to “Elvis reincarnates out of hatched space pods.”
Do you remember what our world wide 24 hour cable networks were discussing before 9/11? The disappearance of Washington intern Chandra Levi. That was it. That was the news. It pacified our country. It put us to sleep. And we’ve fallen asleep again or at least forty percent of us have.
Forty percent of the nation does not believe there’s a terror threat. They instead, believe some whacked out conspiracy theory about 9/11. I mean no disrespect, I really don’t. I actually know somebody who believes one of these conspiracies The guy is bright and the guy loves his country. He’s sincere, but sincerely mistaken.
Let’s put to rest some of these myths once and for all. We have video tape of the planes flying into the buildings. We have recordings of passengers on all four planes talking to operators and reported phone conversations from their loved ones. We have Osama Bin Laden bragging about what he did. Call me a romantic but it looks like maybe, just maybe, the reason sixty percent of us believe the straight story of a terrorist attack is because there actually was one.
Now some of you are with me half way on this, thinking to yourselves, “Oh sure, Al-Queda, did attack but what did Iraq have to do with Al-Queda,? OK, a quick review for the pop quiz coming up:
1) Bush never declared war on Al-Queda, He declared war on all terrorists and all countries that harbor terrorists. If Hussein doesn’t qualify, nobody qualifies.
2) Saddam Hussein sponsored Palestinian suicide bombers who targeted and murdered Israeli civilians. I know they were just Jews but to those of us who are Jewish, that meant something.
3) Saddam Hussein publicly congratulated Al-Queda,after 9/11. We should have taken him out just for that alone.
4) His sponsored Palestinians danced on the streets on 9/11 celebrating the death of Americans.
5) The 9/ll commission discovered that there was indeed a strong link between Hussein and Al-Queda,. He may not have planned 9/ll specifically, but he supported Al-Queda,, I offer this information only for those of you who needed to hear the word “ Al-Queda,” because, again, it’s not about Al-Queda,. It’s about all of them, Hezbollah, Hamas the Muslim snipers on the East Coast, not too long ago, the Muslim who tried to blow up a bomb at a college foot ball game, the Muslim who tried to run college students over in his car, the Muslim who shot and killed some people at LAX, the Muslim who killed some women at a Jewish school in Washington…Are you starting to notice a theme? I used to love listening to the commentators talk about these stories, saying things like, “It seems confirmed that the perpetrator did not belong to Al-Queda,,”
Whew…That’s a relief. The families of the dead feel so much better now. Oh sure, a horrible bloodthirsty murder happened, but not at the hands of Al-Queda,. Don’t worry. Be happy.
Now there is some good news in the war on terror but it seems laced with a few disturbing features. The two Fox News journalists, Steve Sutanai and Olaf Wiig, held captive by a gang of thugs in Gaza, have been released.. The two ex-hostages are saying they want the story of the Palestinian people to be told because “they’re a beautiful people.”
A beautiful people? Well maybe. Certainly we cannot blame every single Palestinian for acts of terror. But in our zeal to remember exceptions, let us not throw away a rather glaring and obvious rule: With few variations, this beautiful people hates Jews. This beautiful people launched missiles at Israel as soon as Israel left the Gaza Strip as part of the Road Map For Peace. This beautiful people elected the terrorist group Hamas to be its government., and these beautiful people teach kids from kindergarten on up that all Jews are devils. Oh yes. I almost forgot. This beautiful people kidnapped the journalists in the first place. This is beautiful, Bob Siegel, making the obvious obvious.
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