Originally published August 02, 2007
The following quote is from, Telegraph.com UK
“A group of 45 Muslim doctors threatened to use car bombs and rocket grenades in terrorist attacks in the United States during discussions on an extremist internet chat site.”
People are shocked. People are flabbergasted. Doctors can’t be evil
Doctors can’t be evil? Have you ever heard of Dr. Joseph Mengele or the other Nazi doctors who did experiments on Jews such as removing the ovaries of women or hitting people with bolts of electricity to see their reactions? Have you ever heard of Hitler’s eugenics program that he put into operation even before the Holocaust? Where mentally and physically challenged people were exterminated by doctors? Since when has vocation had anything to do with good and evil?
Oh that’s right. This is a generation that doesn’t believe in evil. What we think is evil is really a lack of education. What we think of as evil is really poverty induced. Our college professors will tell you there’s no such thing as evil And anybody who says there is evil, is, well, evil or, er…You know what we mean.
So George Bush and his band of merry men are evil, but other than them, there is no evil, only good.
Of course, the word “good” becomes meaningless if there’s no such thing as evil. “Good” in relationship to “what” would be the question? If we don’t know what it means to treat people in a bad way, how do we know what it means to treat people in a good way?
You’ve just got to love this generation. In the name of “intellect”, they are intellectually bankrupt. The idea is that if somebody is educated he can’t be evil, or if somebody is poor, his terrorism can be understood
Interestingly enough, Osama Bin Laden comes from a family of millionaires. Some of our Muslim terrorists have been college students. Oh wait..Wait…They didn’t’ belong to Alqeada so that doesn’t count. It isn’t if it isn’t Alqeada it isn’t terrorism
Folks, allow me to clarify a fact or two: The word isn’t Alqeada. The word isn’t rich. The word isn’t poor. The word isn’t oil. The word isn’t Bush. The word is Muslim. I’m sorry. Somebody has to say it. I might as well say it before it’s against the law to say it, before my radio program is taken off the air by the Fairness Doctrine and replaced by Rosie O’Donell who will explain to you that Militant Christianity is our real danger, before I’m forbidden by laws about Hate Speech, hate being defined by some idiot judge who says that if you disagree with mainstream Political Correctness, you’re full of hate, who says that there’s no such thing as evil and those who claim to believe in evil are filled with hate and hate is evil.
Calling Christians evil is OK. Calling George Bush evil is OK Calling Israel evil is OK. Calling a religion that wants to conquer the world, impose Sharia law, murder all homosexuals, subjugate women,execute women who were raped because the rape disgraced their families, murder all Jews, slit the throats of stewardess’ on planes, ram planes into buildings,blow up trains, blow up ships, blow up people,target women and children on buses, shoot people on the east coast with sniper bullets,run college students over in a car, shoot children at a Jewish day care center..l.(Shall I go on? As you see, I’ve just been reading the newspapers the last few years) Calling the religion behind all of those events evil…Well…that’s Hate Speech. Why is it Hate Speech? Because we dared to list the behaviors and actions of the Religion of Peace.
Honestly Islam is really, truly a religion of peace. We can see where occasionally it doesn’t look that way.
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