In the field of Quantum Physics, there’s a weird, obscure theory which essentially says, “Anything that can occur does occur.” I.E. There are alternative universes with alternative versions of the people in our universe. The choices we didn’t make, they did.
Don’t ask me to expound. Obviously that clumsy, oversimplified explanation shows that I am not a Quantum Physicist. So let’s return (at light speed) to a subject I am far more comfortable with: Politics. How would America fare in an alternate quantum reality? Well for one thing, Hillary wins the 2008 nomination and election. President Hillary more or less brings about many of the same policies as Obama: mandatory health care, redistribution of wealth, appointment of judicial activism loving justices, and all kinds of other nutty forms of Political Correctness. Those of us who protested Obama in one universe protest President Hillary Clinton in this parallel universe. But there is one notable difference: This time, instead of being called racists for disagreeing with the president, we are labled chauvinists, people who cannot handle a woman in the White House. Oddly enough, conservative women will also be called chauvinists even though that makes no sense. But then, many African-Americans object to Obama in our universe. They are called traitors and Uncle Toms. So I guess the female, Hillary dissenting counterparts will be Aunt Sallys.
Oh, one more item: Traveling back to the alternate 90’s, husband Bill Clinton does not have an affair with Monica in this parallel world. He just has affairs with all the other White House interns instead. (There are some things even an alternate quantum reality cannot change.)
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