In the wake of growing and haunting information about Imam Feisal Rauf, the Obama administration has finally responded. They are standing by their decision to pay this man for his “peace” mission around the world representing America before Muslim countries. They also continue to insist that Rauf is a moderate. Really President Obama? A guy who will not call Hamas a terrorist organization is a moderate? One can only imagine your definition of an extremist. But then, I shouldn’t be surprised. The Left has not been shy in sharing their nuanced understanding of exactly what constitutes the word “extreme.” You see, supporting Hamas and Sharia Law is not extreme. However, (and this is very important) expressing concern about an Imam who supports Hamas and Sharia Law is extreme. And not only extreme, but hateful, racist, Islamaphobic, you name it.
While we’re on the subject, here are other extremes according to the Left:
-Believing marriage should be a union between a man and a wife the way 99 percent of civilization has defined it since the dawn of history
-Believing that our country has a right to enforce it’s own borders like every single other country in the world
-Speaking out against partial birth abortion, a procedure where full term babies are taken two thirds out of the womb, only to have their brains sucked out. You see, that procedure is not extreme. Concern about the procedure is extreme.
-Oh, and when Hamas fires missiles into Israel from Gaza, that is not extreme, but when Israel tries to blockade such weapons ahead of time, that is extreme.
In short:
Up means down.
Down means up.
Good means evil.
Evil means good.
Dog means cat.
Donny means Marie.
Beatles mean Kingston Trio.
Elvis means Perry Como.
Behar means insightful commentary.
So, yes, of course, extreme means moderate.