Beyond the discussion about Imams,
Beyond the discussion about mosques,
Beyond the discussion about crosses…
There exists a real God. He is our only hope. He loves you. He reaches out to you. The Bible says He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.
If you think you are unworthy of Him, you are correct. And I am unworthy of Him. All of us with our selfish natures have built a wall between ourselves and God. But He loves you anyway and at a certain time in history, He became a man and died on the cross for your sins.
He was actually thinking of you on that cross. Had you been the only person in this world, He would have come down and died just for you!
There is nothing you’ve done, no action, no spoken word, no lifestyle that you now regret, which can keep you from God’s love. He will forgive you and send His spirit to commune with yours. All you need do is call out to Him.
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