Obama hired “moderate Muslim” Imam Feisal Rauf to be an emissary on America’s behalf to Muslim countries, your tax dollars hard at work.
And while he represents America over seas, his lovely wife Daisy expresses her own opinion of America, saying all kinds of fun moderate stuff such as that interview for ABC News where she called our country Islamaphobic for being against a mosque on the site of Ground Zero, and then continued to say that we were actually beyond a phobia. Indeed, it was likened to anti-Semitism!
I guess the outspoken moderate Muslims from Canada and the Muslim woman who won the Miss America pageant are Islamaphobes as well, for they too are against the mosque. Oh, and Daisy dear, if people wanted to see genuine anti-Semitsm, they wouldn’t need to look much further than Hamas, the organization your husband refuses to call “terrorist,” or perhaps the Koran itself which forbids Muslims to befriend Jews. However, in all fairness, the Koran does not single Jews out. Muslims are also forbidden to befriend Christians (Surah 5).
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