Originally published February 24, 2008
Have you heard the latest rules from the left? Now we aren’t allowed to have opinions apart from experience. I listen to radio debates all the time. People who do talk shows like to listen to other talk shows and I’ve listened enough to see the same leftist talking points repeated again and again. If somebody calls a radio station, say a liberal who is against the war in Iraq, but this particular liberal happened to serve in the military once upon a time, he smugly asks the question, “Have you ever fought in a war?” or, “Did you ever join the Army/Navy/Marines/Air force?” If the answer “no” comes from the likes of Sean Hannity or Michael Medvid or Dennis Prager, the veterin rebukes him for having an ignorant opinion. After all, only those who have actually experienced a war can speak about war. Right? (I guess such liberals will not vote for Hillary or Obama since neither of them served in the military and yet, they aren’t too shy when it comes to sharing their opinions about the war in Iraq. Oh wait! I forgot. You can speak against the war apart from experience. You just can’t speak for the war. Sorry. I keep forgetting the rules.)
And with the subject of abortion? Men, just keep your big stupid mouths shut. You have nothing to say. Don’t even dare think about the subject. You aren’t allowed to have an opinion at all. In fact, that also goes for some of you women…Have you had abortions yourselves? No? Well then, how can you know anything about abortion?
Catching on? Do you like these new rules? Let’s have a quick review: Only those who have experienced something can comment on that same subject.
OK. Two can play at this game:
Is slavery wrong? Have you ever spoken out against slavery? You say you have? Hmm…Well…Have you ever been a slave? No? Have you ever owned a slave? No? Well then you have some nerve. How dare you talk about something you never experienced for yourself.
Is it wrong to hold up a 7/11 store? You say it is? Have you ever held up a 7/11 store yourself? No? Then you don’t know what you’re talking about, do you?
Do you speak against poverty? You do? Even though you have never been poor yourself? Well, that takes a lot of brass, doesn’t it?
Is it wrong to be a racist? Have you ever been a racist? Then maybe you can’t relate to the poor racist’s plight. Until you’ve lit a cross on someone’s front yard. Until you strike that match. Untill you smell that smoke. Until you tuck that pillow case over your head like the rest of the Klan, you are not entitled to an opinion. None at all.
Do you hate George Bush? Do you think he’s a lousy President? Have you ever been President of the United States? Have you ever been George Bush? No? Then you do not speak from experience. How can you have an opinion about George Bush if you have never been George Bush?
Sorry to put you through this tedious exercise. I just like to keep up with the latest rules of America, rules so creative they make the Parker Brothers and Milton Bradley envious.
This is Bob Siegel, making the obvious, obvious
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