Originally published Friday, March 07, 2008
Home Schooling in California was just made against the law for all intents and purposes. How? Why? Because some new legislation was passed? Because some ballot measure was actually voted on by the people of California through that vanishing practice, once called, Democracy? Nope. Wrong on both accounts. A judge made the ruling. It seems some abusive parents were brought to his attention. Rather then simply punish the abusive parents; he noted that they were also home schooling their children. Are you following the logic so far? Since one home schooling family proved to be abusive, that must mean they all are. Of course Judge Soloman The Wise must have forgotten how many public school teachers have been arrested for abuse. Nobody ever suggested that we close down all public schools as a result. But now, parents are not allowed to educate their own children without teaching credentials. Never mind that Home Schooled children test better than public school children, on national scores. They still need parents with that magic teaching credential. Oh, and the last time we checked, the new laws forbidding hate speech in the public school system, will see to it that nobody gets a teaching credential unless they subscribe to multi-culturalism and sensitivity training. Translation: The government has found a way to make sure your children accept homosexuality. You see, it’s always that same old skunk underneath. The Militant Gay Agenda is just livid that any corner of the world exists that speaks against their lifestyle. They and their activist judge advocates have been looking for an excuse to go after Home Schools and they finally found one. All in the name of tolerance, of course.
Oh, I saved the best for last. The judge ruled that the U.S. Constitution does not give parents the right to educate their own children. Exactly where the constitution gives the state that right, he failed to mention. You see, these egotistical judges think the rest of us are all so stupid, with our religious superstitions, they know what our kids need better than we do. But I don’t suggest they are anti-religion. After all, they think they’re God. I suppose we could get together and try to stop this ruling by adding a new amendment to the California Constitution. But truthfully? It wouldn’t matter. After the amendment was ratified, a judge would rule the new constitution to be unconstitutional.
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