Originally published April 09, 2008
In Woodbridge, Virginia, a six-year-old boy slapped a six-year-old girl on her bottom. Responsible, sensitive, on the ball, school officials immediately called the police. The kid was actually arrested. This wasn’t a matter for the principal. Neither did it call for a minor discussion to help the little nipper understand exactly what he had done and perhaps learn a lesson about proper etiquette. No Sir! This shocking outrage was a matter for the police!
It’s time to step back with a telescope and examine the kind of culture we have become. . Had this same kid, as an older teen, gone out and actually killed somebody, our bleeding heart liberals would have excused him as they excused several thugs years ago that beat and raped a woman in Central Park. At that time, we heard about how hard it is to be a teen under the turbulent reign of Ronald Reagan and how we should understand the anger of those poor, misguided youth. Of course, the Reagan era just warmed us up for today’s true culprit, George W. Bush. He was blamed only recently when another young man shot up a mall. Make no mistake, it was Bush’s’ hard policies which were responsible for creating an atmosphere where one wants to shoot people. Oh! And remember Andrea Yates? She drowned her five children and when that tempted some of us simple minded folk to call the woman evil we were put to shame by feminists who explained that the woman cannot be called evil because a mother would never do that to her children. And since this particular mother did do it to her children, it actually made their case, proving that she was, not evil, but mentally disturbed. It seems that is what they meant. No sane mother would do that to her children so any mother who does it must automatically be insane. Where is Dorthy’s friend, the Scarecrow, when we need him? What a cue this would havve been for his line: “Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking.”
Of course, no discussion of criminality can leave out 9/1l. When terrorists rammed planes into buildings after cutting the throats of stewardesses, we were challenged from the left to do some personal soul searching. Why not talk to people in the Middle East and try to figure out what we did to make them hate us so much? After all, we must have done something! And while we’re in the neighborhood, we should sit down and try to understand Ahamadennejad, who says he wants to wipe Israel off the face of the Earth and update all maps. Come on! I mean, the guy isn’t that bad. After all, the man smiled when Mike Wallace interviewed him and evil people do not smile, do they?
OK. Let’s add it all up. A young man shooting up a mall does not concern us as a culture. Oh sure! The gun that was used concerns us, but the shooter himself? Naw! And teens committing rape in Central Park do not concern us as a culture. A mother drowning her five children does not concern us as a culture. Terrorists killing 3000 innocent people do not concern us as a culture. Dictators who hate Jews do not concern us as a culture. But a six year old swatting a girl on the rump? That concerns us! Indeed, it concerns us so much this kid is now labeled as a sex offender for life!
God have mercy on the soul of America. Our once noble soul is becoming an incredibly, stupid soul, too stupid to recognize true evil and therefore, too stupid to stop true evil.
(Lyrics below go to the tune, “If I Only Had a Brain.”
We excuse the bombs and rapists,
Because our brains escape us,
We call the bad, insane,
But a kid spanked a bottom,
So we sent the cop who got him,
‘Cause we haven’t got a brain.
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