Originally written January 30, 2008
Technology can be a wonderful thing. We live in the third greatest information exchange in history. The first was the Greek language that became universal from country to country, the language of the court and the market place protected by the might of Rome, complete with a postal system and paved roads from one end of the empire to another. The second was the printing press. I suppose one can argue for radio and television next but I think the third major, life-changing chapter is the Internet. Never before has so much information been shared between so many people, and not just in written form, video as well.
Add the quality of high definition television sets with screens that make our living rooms a theater to rival AMC, and we realize that as far as communication goes, we are living in the best of times.
Unfortunately we are also living in precarious times. Between activist judges who seem to think they understand the constitution better than those who actually wrote it, and between potential laws in the name of “Anti-Hate Speech” or the “Fairness Doctrine”, our First Amendment rights are only suspended by a thin thread. How ironic, if the government of the land of the free, should become just another tyrannical government that suppresses free speech during the greatest information exchange in history! And all in the name of tolerance!
Oh well, today, at least, I am grateful. I am grateful to have been able to write this blog while I still have time.
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