Originally written November 23, 2009
Chris Matthews, of MSNBC’s Hardball, sent Norah O’ Donnell, one of his “reporters” to an opening day book signing for Sarah Palin’s Going Rogue. The critical, well thought out information exchange included O’Donnell saying, “This is a largely white…almost no minorities in this crowd.”
To this high class journalistic comment, Matthews added his own brilliant commentary: “Well they all look like a white crowd to me.”
Of course, O’Donnell was reporting from Grand Rapids, Michigan, known to be a strong Dutch community. One must wonder what she expected. Actually, she may have expected exactly that, and chose this location out of many others deliberately. Do these elitist media hacks honestly expect us to swallow some Leftist spin that African-Americans, Latinos, etc. do not have Conservatives and Independents in their numbers who absolutely love Sarah Palin? Do they hold their audience in such utter contempt that they can treat them only like a collection of pea brains?
Gee, Matthews, you seem pretty white to me. And 8 of your 9 guests that same evening were white. Incidentally, according to David Forsmark, who buys advertising for a living, the greatest demographic for your show is white. Not that your show has that great of a demographic.
And so, Matthews, perhaps you are too white to be on television. Maybe it’s time to think about an early retirement or a change of careers. Why not take up embroidery? Or how about being one of those guys who changes the vending machine?
OK. OK. This is silly. Your skin color doesn’t really matter, so let me offer you a better reason to get off the tube. Quite simply, you are losing it. I thought you had reached a journalistic low by claiming Obama’s speeches sent a chill up your leg. But then you shrunk further by announcing that you are looking forward to Rush Limbaugh’s death. Even that one was not the bottom. You managed to dig yourself even deeper by asking if it was illegal for a Muslim assassin in Texas to have called Al-Qaeda. I want to say this song and dance about Sarah Palin is the final rock level, but unfortunately, your ability to sink to even newer lows seems alive and vibrant.
Matthews, believe it or not, there was a time when I respected you as a journalist. But these days, I would guess you got your degree by sending in three cereal box tops.
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