Originally published November 11, 2009
First, we were told that his religion undoubtedly had nothing to do with the shooting at Ft. Hood. Sure, Nidal Malik Hasan was a Muslim, but that was no reason to jump to conclusions. Most likely, his religion was only a coincidence.
Next, we learned that he shouted “Allah Akbar!” while doing the shootings. But at that time we were gently reminded that this was a disturbed man, dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, a common condition to people who have been on the battle field, even though, as of yet, Hasan had not been on the battle field. Doesn’t matter. As an Army psychologist, he spoke to many who had, and this affected him.
Then we heard that Hasan was openly calling for Muslims to refuse to fight for America’s “unjust foreign policy.” The parallel commentary popped in on schedule: “Yes, but Hasan had been ridiculed by fellow soldiers for being a Muslim and we must take this into consideration. Remember, as well, that most Muslims are very peaceful.”
Around that time, Geraldo Rivera of Fox News said, “He could have had a toothache and gone off because of that.”
Hmm… A toothache. Must have been a bad one. But the 13 people killed will never have a toothache or any other kind of ache again.
Next we found out that Hasan wrote blogs that glorified suicide bombers and gave a power point presentation in the Army where he said “We love death more than you love life.” He also talked about how nonbelievers should be beheaded.
Asked how such an individual could have remained in the Army after these open proclamations, General George W. Casey promised it was being looked into. He also went on to say, that if we lost our diversity over this incident, it would be an “even greater tragedy.”
Throughout the daily news reports constantly morphing into deeper revelation, we were admonished that even if Islam were found to be the motivating factor, we still cannot call this terrorism because Nidal Hasan was not connected to Al-Queda. That must have been a great comfort to the families of his victims. “Our son’s murderer wasn’t involved with Al-Queda? Whew! What a relief!”
Finally, we discovered that Hasan had indeed corresponded with Al-Queda. In the face of this news, Chris Matthews of MSNBC offered the topper of them all, a Pulitzer Prize caliber comment: “It isn’t illegal to contact Al-Queda, is it?”
There was a time when we considered it an act of humility to appraise one’s education and say, “The more I learn, the more I realize how little I know.” But with so much of our mainstream journalism hijacked by Political Correctness, it seems that the more they learn, the more they decide how little they know. They do not want to know that there is any real danger from Muslim extremists, because such truth takes them away from their real crusade against “conservative extremists.” Remember when abortion doctor, George Tiller, was gunned down? Christians and Pro-Life organizations came out in hordes and condemned the killing immediately. But I do not recall our mainstream media asking us to “not jump to conclusions and remember that most Pro-Life people are very peaceful.”
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