August 21, 2010
Great news! Wonderful news! Hillary Clinton has announced that the Israelis and Palestinians are going to sit down for more peace talks! Whew!!!! I’m sure it will be successful this time. After all, the Palestinians have proven how much they yearn to get along with Israel, like the time Israel vacated Gaza. The Palestinians burned down all those synagogues and then promptly began firing rockets into Israel. Just their own kinky, nutty way of showing gratitude, I suppose. And the way they teach Palestinian kindergartners how Israel has no right to exist. How fun when kids on television repeat that Jews are devils. Art Linkletter was right: Kids say the darndest things. So who knows what kind of deal Hillary might offer to a people who are bred to the bone for peace talks.
Hmm…Now, I’m just thinking off the top of my head here, perhaps the Israeli government can ship every single one of their citizens to Brooklyn, New York. Oh wait! That will never work. Sooner or later, Muslims are going to claim that New York is their land also and that Jews are “occupying” it.
OK. Try this one on for size: If the Jews get together as a nation in the tradition of Jim Jones’ church in Guyana, drink poison Kool Aid and just….well…just die, then, at long last Jews and Palestinians can share the land in peace. You see, the Jews will be buried under the land and the Palestinians can inhabit what’s above. That ought to be peaceful. Kind of quiet too.
Anyway, those were just a couple of ideas. I’m sure Obama and Hillary can be even more creative than that. And remember, they aren’t just doing this for the Middle East. They are thinking of the better interests of the United States. Once Israel is sold up the river, Muslims all over the world will love America once again. Remember, it was only because of Israel that Jihadists came after us. Those commands in the Koran about conquering the world and killing all who refuse to convert to Islam are only an incredible coincidence.
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