Originally published November 06, 2009
Nidal Malik Hasan’s brother went on Fox News yesterday, making it abundantly clear that Nidal was really a good American. Honestly and truly he was. Well, perhaps not quite as good as the brother would have us believe, inasmuch as Nidal gunned down 43 people, killing 13 and wounding the rest. I think the bar is raised a little higher when evaluating good Americans.
But brother Hasan is not alone in his attempt to give us the right perspective. In fact, the spin has never woven so quickly. Supposedly, Nidal was a very disturbed gentleman psychologically, even though he worked as an Army psychologist himself. Why would that piece of information be important? Because, the fact that this killer also happens to be a Muslim should be viewed as nothing but coincidence, a sad side truth which really has nothing to do with yesterday’s massacre. Sure, he was a Muslim, but to dwell on this is wrong. That, at least, is the P.C. talking point.
Never mind that Hasan shouted, “Allah Akbar” (God is great! before blasting away. Never mind his recent internet postings glorifying suicide bombings. Never mind that he has been vocal in his beliefs that Muslims should rise up and stop America’s “horrible overseas policies.”
CAIR (that “moderate” American Muslim organization) sent a spokesman to Fox News this morning condemning the killings. Whew! Wow! Good for you, CAIR. We weren’t sure you had it in you. Of course, the spokesman went on to remind us that violence has nothing to do with the religion of Islam. In fact, there is no connection whatsoever between these killings and Nidal’s Muslim beliefs. This from the organization which has been caught diverting funds to Hamas. Nicely done, CAIR. I wasn’t expecting you to get through two sentences without your obligatory disclaimer. Where oh where would we get a crazy idea like the association of Islam with violence? Certainly not form the many Jihad commands in the Koran, or the life of Mohammad himself, or the Muslim murders all over today’s globe.
Another story being circulated (but, as of yet, unsubstantiated) is that Nidal was ridiculed for his religion on the Army base. Assuming for a moment that this is true, the justification for shooting people somehow eludes me. Besides, with liberal lawyers breathing down the neck of our military, one has to believe that disciplinary action would have been taken, had Nidal reported these teasings.
Oh well. Just watch and see. Before it’s over, the lesson will be that this violence is not the responsibility of a Muslim but, rather, the many Islamophobes at Ft. Hood. For what it is worth, I honestly do not view Militant Islam as the worst threat to our country. It’s the Political Correctness which will kill us. Unfortunately, after the smoke clears, that strange bedfellow of Political Correctness, will be the only one standing. His name? Islam.
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