Originally published by San Diego Rostra on 8-18-10
On Tuesday, August 17, Nancy Pelosi mouthed off about the Ground Zero mosque to San Francisco’s KCBS radio,
“There is a concerted effort to make this a political issue by some,” she said in that gentle, self righteous, patronizing voice. Pelosi then went on to make clear that she joins “those who have called for looking into how is this opposition to the mosque being funded.”
Are you doing a double take about now? Yes, you read it correctly. Our wise Speaker-Of The-House is not calling for an investigation into the funding of the mosque, but rather those who fund the protest of the mosque!
I’m not sure if Nancy dearest is familiar with the fact the most of us protesters aren’t being sponsored by anybody at all. We are merely sharing our thoughts over a free Internet and doing so as quickly as possible, while it remains free, before one of Obama’s czars takes it over in the name of “diversity.”
So, let’s add up what we have here: The fact that funds for the mosque itself really are coming in part from unknown sources, does not concern our Speaker. The fact that the mosque’s Imam, Feisal Rauf, refuses to call Hamas a terrorist group, does not concern our Speaker. The fact that Hamas has openly supported the mosque, does not concern our Speaker. Oh, and Imam Rauf says Muslims were not responsible for 9/11 and that America was an accomplice to the destruction of the World Trade Center. Still no worries from Pelosi’s end. But when citizens raise an eyebrow in the hopes of answering some basic national security questions, or, at the very least, demonstrating an ounce of sensitivity to the victims of 3000 families whose loved ones were murdered by those who practice “the religion of peace,” then, and only then, does the woman express grave concern.
If I were you, Miss Pelosi, I’d be more worried about my place in history. Posterity will paint you as a joke, a dangerous joke, but a joke nevertheless. You are a disgrace to our Congress and I am counting the days until November when we vote you out of office. Don’t bother investigating the funding of your removal from office. It will happen free of charge. It’s on us and it’s our pleasure!
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