“From the moment he took the oath of office, using his entire name, Barack Hussein Obama, as he swore to protect and defend the Constitution, Mr. Obama has personified the hopes of many Americans about tolerance and inclusion. He has devoted himself to reaching out to the Muslim world, vowing, as he did in Cairo last year, “a new beginning.” But his “new beginning” has aroused nervousness in some, especially those who disagree with his counterterrorism policies, or those more comfortable with a vision of America as a white and largely Christian nation, and not the pluralistic melting pot Mr. Obama represents.”
Those were the words of Sheryl Gay Stolberg on August 14, 2010 from her piece for the New York Times.
Miss Stolberg, have you no shame? A top reason why those who believe Obama placates too much to the Muslim world is that we want to see an all white, Christian America? We don’t believe in a melting pot? As it so happens, I’m a Jewish Democrat with a sephardic type complexion. At least my skin was dark enough that when I traveled to the east coast a few weeks after 9/11, I was immediately stopped and checked by security, probably because they mistook me for a Middle East resident. Now I did convert to Christianity and I do vote conservative on most issues all the while maintaining a Democrat registration, but that only proves I place conviction ahead of affiliation and honest beliefs ahead of racial/religious background. I share this brief bio because you seem to need a little help with your stereotype prone agenda. Allow me to open your mind to the possibility that some people are merely concerned about safety, even those of us who have read the Constitution. You talk about the Constitution as if the rest of us hadn’t heard of it. Offering diplomacy to cut throats like Ahamadinnejad, and platitudes to America hating countries like Egypt, is viewed by our enemies as a sign of weakness. It emboldens the people who would destroy our Constitution. To be perfectly frank, President Obama made the United States less safe on his Magical Mystery Apology Tour and his far too frequent invitations to sit down and smoke a piece pipe with the Iranian dictator who wants genocide for Jews.
Similar concern explains our opposition to this Ground Zero mosque and its proposed Imam. We do not a trust a cleric (Feisal Rauf) who will not renounce Hamas. Neither do we find our president and his supporters (like you) quite as tolerant as they accuse the rest of us of not being. For example, how often have you seen mainstream conservative papers like the Wall Street Journal stoop to your style of name calling when people disagree with thier positions? Instead, they defend their point of view with facts. You, however, without offering a single fact, attempt to read the minds and motives of those who do not share your conclusions. You play the race card like a woman addicted to Gin Rummy! Do you really believe that most objections to this mosque come from a desire to have an all white, Christian nation? If you sincerely hold such an unfair, judgmental opinion, you are not qualified to be a journalist. If, on the other hand, you do not honestly embrace that idea, but made your thoughtless, irresponsible comment anyway, well then, that is an even more important reason to disqualify you as a journalist.
Incidentally, Miss Stolberg, the true, original, concept of a“melting pot” was that those who migrate to America (regardless of color, culture, or background) all melt together by embracing American values as written in our Constitution, not Sharia Law which would dismantle our Constitution.
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