I keep hearing about how unconstitutional it would be to not allow Muslims to build a mosque on the site of Ground Zero. I seldom hear the Left excited about the same freedom for Christians. How much whining do we witness at Christmas time when manger scenes are displayed publicly? (I know, I know; there’s a difference between private and public property, but since we are talking about the constitution, it actually does not forbid religious displays on public property. Just check out the Supreme Court building sometime.)
Nevertheless, putting baby Jesus and Mother Mary aside for a moment, let’s settle this mosque question before any more hot air wears our country out and people allow the “worship” building only to avoid further fatigue.
Does our country guarantee freedom of religious expression to any and all religions including the right to build a place of worship? Yes.
Does our country allow a religion to promote the spreading of Sharia Law which would not only violate our constitution but would especially contradict the freedom of religion amendment? NO!!!! And when the Imam who would head this new mosque, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, not only embraces Sharia Law, but denies that 9/11 was caused by Islam and refuses to call Hamas a terrorist organization, we are no longer witnessing the fruit of religious expression, but rather, an example of treason and sedition.
Any questions? Honestly, this one should be easy. It isn’t rocket science. But then, when did logic, national security, or common sense ever have anything to do with Political Correctness?
NOTE: See Islam, A Sacred Law by Feisal abdul Rauf, for his comments on Sharia Law.