Whenever people tell me how stupid George Bush was, (even though the guy graduated Yale) I always ask them for an example. Inevitably, the topic switches to Bush’s poor communication skills, how he mumbled and stumbled through his speeches, unlike that smooth, polished Obama. Indeed, Bush is often accused of being an embarrassment to our country.
As a public speaker, the topic of effective speech is naturally of keen interest to me. I always get great feedback for my speaking ability. People may like what I have to say. People may hate what I have to say, but the style itself is respected. And so, as one who talks in front of an audience, as one who is himself considered polished, let me say for the record that human beings severely exaggerate charisma and rhetoric. Far too often, I have delivered an entertaining and well received address only to later discover, upon better information, that I was dead wrong in the actual facts being communicated.
When I think of Obama’s bold faced lies, when I think of Obama’s shipwrecking, Marxist agenda, I believe that history (should Western Civilization survive) will paint George Bush in a much better light, namely, a president appreciated in a belated manner.
Make no mistake: Obama is far more of an embarrassment in what he eloquently says than anything George Bush ever stumbled over.
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