Originally written: Feb 14, 2010
It looks like 9/11 mastermind, Khalid Shaikh Mohammad will not be tried in New York City after all. The uproar of public opinion. finally has the ear of the White House. Still, one must wonder why this man is being tried in any civilian court regardless of the city. Attorney General, Eric Holder defends the decision by reminding us that we are a country of laws which must give people a fair trial. Then, to reassure those who believe we have too soft of an administration, Holder guarantees a guilty verdict. And yet, if somehow the verdict is innocent, even though we know it won’t be, well, don’t worry; We still won’t let the man go.
OK, just for argument’s said, let’s put aside the fact that Mohammad is not an American citizen and therefore not protected by our constitution. We’ll also ignore another minor little detail: The snake already confessed long ago. And finally, we’ll overlook the military truth that this 9/11 architect has declared war on America, thus earning the status of “enemy combatant.”
Now then: Forgetting all of the above, let’s just take Holder at his word. A man has been accused of a crime. We Americans cannot lower our standards by forgetting the rule of law. The man deserves a fair trial. OK. Then why does Holder already know what the verdict will be if it’s going to be a fair trial? And why does Holder promise that we will not release this man regardless of the verdict if it is going to be a fair trial?
Lewis Carol’s Alice in Wonderland made more sense than the Obama administration. At least Alice, after being exposed to a plethora of silly contradictions, finally woke up.
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