Originally written on 3-17-10
Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi has finally conceded that the pair of thousand page plus health care bills (both Senate and House versions) are some what on the complex side. Thus her recent statement, destined to rival the best sound bites of history; “But we have to pass the bill so you can find out what’s in it.”
Can you just picture our forefathers right now? Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin and the like must be smiling from heaven, happy and proud to see their legacy in such capable hands. They especially light up when Nancy Dearest explains she is doing this “for the American people” even though poll after poll, Tea Party after Tea Party, and Town Hall meeting after cowardly no- show congressmen, demonstrate that “the American people” want nothing to do with a Socialist assault on freedom.
I guess this health care bill is like a Tootsie Roll Pop. The flavor on the outside is different from the chewy, chocolaty center. Then again, maybe it’s not the same. After all, Tootsie Roll Pops taste good. And the last time I checked, no parent had to force their kids to eat a Tootsie Roll Pop. They might have to force them to eat liver or vegetables, but not candy covered chocolate. Of course, this is only temporary. If Obama-Pelosi Care passes, soon the government will start instructing parents what to feed their children since part of the deal will be the government monitoring our nutritional intake by forbidding certain foods to keep the cost of our fantastic health care to a minimum. Hmm…What ever happened to “My body, my choice,”? I guess people only have choices when it comes to killing unborn babies. Our progressive government doesn’t feel it has the right to interfere on that one. So they make up for it by interfering with everything else.
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