I’m a big Andy Griffith fan. I loved The Andy Griffith Show. It was funny, clever, and downright charming. But I must confess, it’s depressing to see ol’ Andy dragged out of the retirement home to do commercials for our current administration. With his trustworthy, southern drawl, the former sheriff of Mayberry reassures senior citizens that Medicare under Obama Care is in great shape.
I find it ironic that the same liberal movement which belittles the innocense of traditional family values, would bring back a man who’s face is as recognizable as the carvings of Mt. Rushmore and who’s television program provided one weekly morality play after another. When Andy Taylor talked to his son Opie, the boy learned the difference between right and wrong. He also understood that as a human being, he had to take responsibility for his own actions. Other lessons included standing up to bullies, refusing to tell lies, and loving your country. If such virtues are hidden in our current government, it will take the Easter Egg hunt of the century to find them.
I remember Andy Griffith advertising Ritz Crackers. “Mmm…..Good cracker!” Somewhere, political hacks are shaking hands, saying, “Mmm….Good strategy! Let’s use a slice of Americana to justify the fact that America, as they’ve known it, will never be the same.”
Then again, maybe Andy Griffith is the perfect spokesman for an administration that runs our country like Barney Fife and a Commander-In Chief who coordinates troops like Gomer Pile.
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