Originally published by San Diego News Room, August, 2010:
On Wednesday, July 28th, President Obama made an appearance on that prestigious, journalistic program, ABC’s The View.
The most interesting question came from Joy Behar:
“But can I follow up on something? Because you’ve really done a lot, I think. I mean, you’ve signed 200 + laws into being since you’re in office. You have – financial reform has taken place…you’ve got a health care…you put two women on the Supreme Court. I could go on and on about your accomplishments, and yet the right wing, through FOX NEWS and other outlets, they seem to be hijacking the narrative.
Where, are on your side, is the narrative? Where is your attack dog to come out and tell the American People, ‘Listen, this is what we did’?”
So…Conservatives are writing the narrative? I guess Joy must have forgotten about ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, NPR, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Boston Globe, The Los Angeles Times, Newsweek, the secular universities, the teacher’s unions, The American Medical Association, The American Psychiatric Association, and that humble little town called, “Hollywood.”
Make no mistake: The problem is not that liberals don’t have a narrative. The problem is that they believe they should be the only narrative. That’s why they support ideas like the Fairness Doctrine. Joy, we realize you don’t like Fox News, but don’t re-write history to make your point. The truth is, thanks to Fox News, Talk Radio, and the internet, people are hearing both sides, something they were not able obtain from the media for many years. Oh, and Joy, that’s why Obama’s approval ratings are so abysmal. People are hearing both sides.
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