There once was a man running for public office.
He started out as a common, ordinary fellow from humble beginnings.
With difficulty, he climbed the ladder of success working as a community organizer,
Working tirelessly,
Working faithfully,
Speaking out against oppression and demanding fairness for all.
Early in life, he wrote a book about his experiences and his ideas.
He was a fantastic orator.
Indeed, there were none better.
His speeches were said to hold an almost hypnotic effect upon people.
Thousands gathered together to hear him speak because he had a way of connecting with them
Of sensing their feelings and pain,
Of feeling their pulse,
Of relating to them,
Of making them see that he was not just a leader,
He was one of them!
They cheered uncontrollably at his very sight.
Women fainted in his presence and dreamed of him at night.
He came on the horizon and offered service to his country during their most crucial hour,
When the economy was in shambles and the poor felt exploited by the rich.
He promised them change.
He promised to redistribute the wealth so that fairness could spread to all citizens.
He promised that hateful speech which spoke ill of the country would be made against the law.
He promised that the world, which had lost so much respect for their country would learn to respect them again.
He promised fresh frontiers in the fields of economic independence and scientific breakthroughs with eugenics.
Little children formed choirs and sang about this man.
Young men put on uniforms and marched while chanting for this man.
This man was known as a type of Messiah.
He came to save Germany.
His name was Adolph Hitler
NOTE: Before you get bent out of shape, before you write to tell me how distasteful and inappropriate this is, please stop, take a deep breath, and ask yourself a couple of questions.
1) If you think Hitler is being unfairly compared to someone else, isn’t it interesting that without mentioning a name, we both know exactly whom we are talking about? If the resemblance were not so obvious, why would you be bothered?
2) I do not know this man’s heart. I do know that if people are following him for the exact same reasons they followed Hitler, it says something really scary about the state of our country. This was not a critique of the man so much as a critique of the people.
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